Season’s Greetings! The holiday season is in full swing. Are you almost done with your holiday shopping? If so, the next step is to start gift-wrapping, bagging and decorating. I wanted to share a simple method for a gift- wrapping and decorating made stylish and easy!
Being a visual and creative soul, I came up with this gift-wrapping and decorating technique as a way of visually seeing all the gifts that needed to be bagged and which needed to be wrapped. I also needed to get them done quickly and at the same time, have them look chic, stylish and create a signature look.
I wanted each gift to create a memorable impression to the person I was giving the gift to. Any time the holiday season rolled around, and people expressed their angst over getting the gift-wrapping done, I shared this method with them and they loved it!
You’ll cut the time in half and have more time to have fun during the holidays. Instead of stressing out before the holidays, you’ll feel at ease and ready to have a jolly time at your next holiday shindig!
Discover how to make stress-free gift wrapping and decorating stylish:
- Create a gift-wrapping area by setting up in an open and clear space.
- Take out all the gifts that need to be gift-wrapped or bagged and separate them in two piles. One pile that needs to be bagged and the other that needs to be gift-wrapped.
- For the gifts that need to be bagged, lay out all the various sizes of gift bags standing up in a row, and place the tissue paper next to it. Next, place the gift in each bag, matching the size of the bag. After all are placed in the gift bags, put in the tissue paper.
- For the gifts that need to be wrapped, lay out various rolls of wrapping paper on the floor or an open area. Then place each gift that needs to be wrapped on an open roll of gift-wrapping paper. Make sure to have tape and scissors handy. Cut, wrap and tape- easy as that!
- Now comes the fun part! Add pretty bows, colorful ribbon, sparkly gift tags and dress up with any embellishments you desire. To make an extra special memorable impression, add a touch of signature style reflecting you!
You can use this time-saving method not only during the holiday season but any time you have a multitude of gifts to wrap or bag such as for a birthday, baby or bridal shower or any other festive occasion you have coming up.
Skip the overwhelm and try this fast, easy, simple and stress-free gift-wrapping and decorating method and spend more time making a fun holiday memorable moments. Happy holidays and enjoy!
Don’t forget to make your own Wish-Granting ornament.