The days of Summer are winding downtime is quickly approaching. That means time for back to school shopping!
Did you know that what your child wears on the first day of school can really set the tone for the day and year ahead? It’s very true!
Whether your child wears a uniform, follows a certain dress code or wears their own clothes, you can easily incorporate these simple tips to help your child feel positive and confident on their first day of school.
Before you start back to school shopping, check out these styling tips for a successful and styled year ahead!
Organize and Clear Clutter
Before school starts, take steps to declutter their closet and drawers of clothes that no longer fit them. A cluttered space and closet can create a sense of overwhelm and frustration and that’s not the energy we want to bring into the school year! Give your child’s wardrobe a breath of fresh air by refreshing their closet. Make sure to have it filled with clothing and accessories that they love to wear and reflect their dreams and personality. Out with the old and hello to clean, clear and organized. It’s the start of a brand new school year and it’s the perfect time to open the door for exciting new beginnings to enter your child’s life. Don’t forget to organize your kid’s toys too!
Styled for the First Day
Get your child excited when buying new school clothes and shoes, by having them help pick them out-especially their first day outfit. An extra plus is wearing their favorite color on the first day. By wearing their personal power color will carry them with confidence throughout their day.
If they wear their own clothes, wear clothes that are positive and uplifting. No harsh messages or images. Student’s focus, self-esteem, confidence level and eagerness to learn is significantly improved when they dress appropriately for school.
Also, a new pair of shoes on the first day of school is key. New shoes signify stepping forward in a new direction and energy for the upcoming year!

Styled With Inspiration
Inspiration promotes feelings of confidence and peace.
Have a symbol or accessory of your child’s favorite item or role model with them on the first day of school. It can be a real or fictional character they have a connection with. For example, my one son LOVES superheroes and my other son loves everything and anything with motion- planes, trains, cars – you name it!
For one, I got a backpack with planes on it and the other one has a backpack with all his favorite superheroes on it. They are over the moon excited to wear these!
You can do this with a shirt, undergarments, backpack, lunchbox, hair accessory, or a keychain with their favorite character.
This is especially helpful if they have feelings of worry or anxiety. It’s a great feeling of ease knowing their hero has their back!
Create a Personal Mantra
A fun exercise with the kiddos! What intention or wish does your child want this school year? Create it!
For example:
“I have an awesome new school year with a great teacher and friends.”
Have them write it on a piece of paper and draw a picture of it. Hang the mantra in their room so that your child sees it every time they enter and leave the room.
The mantra creates a mindset for success, positivity and fun- works wonders!
Get ready to open the pathway for a happy and positive school year ahead!
By incorporating these styling with intention tips, your child will be styled for back to school success!