This brings me to today’s episode of Style Soul Podcast. This episode is all about opening the portals of love to bring love into your life.
Get ready to create the love and romance you are yearning for in your life! The first step to making this happen is to set your intention.
- What kind of relationship do you want to manifest in your life?
- Are you looking for casual & lighthearted dating?
- Are you looking for dating and romance?
- Are you looking to attract your Soulmate- the love of your life?
Its important to be clear about the type of relationship you want into your life so you have a clear vision.
Visualize yourself in that type of relationship you desire, surround yourself with symbols that remind you of that. Wear colors and accessories that you feel beautiful and confident in.
And VERY importantly, open all the avenues of love to come to you. Be open- you never know from which direction love, fun and romance will appear from;)!
Why wallow in unnecessary drama of bad dates and unavailable partners? Instead shift your energy towards creating the relationship YOU want. Because that person is there looking for YOU just as you are looking for them!
Today, I have a very special guest on Style Soul Podcast.
Dallisa Hocking is the founder Spirit & Spark, LLC, a company focused on working with individuals to navigate modern-day dating, relationships and sustainable love through private coaching, workshops and thoughtfully curated singles events. It was her background in engagement, relationship science and her own dating experiences that sparked the idea for Love FrogKisser.
Listen to today’s episode as Dallisa shares how to spark happiness, love and unlock love’s doors thru Love FrogKisser!
Thanks for listening & Get Ready to Create sizzling romance in your love life!
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Which step makes you feel inspired to ignite your love life? How do you feel about opening a new avenue to bring love into your life? How would you like to attend a LIVE Love FrogKisser event? Tell me about it! Share your comments below. I’d love to hear from you!
Feel fabulous, look stylish and live beautifully!
To your Styling Summer Lovin’ !