In today’s episode of Style Soul Podcast, it is all about turning up your confidence level and loving your fashionable body at ANY size!
How many times do we say we’ll start to dress with style and look fashionable once we lose those last few pounds? Or once we’re more in shape and toned to feel confident in that sexy little dress we’ve had our eye on?
You see you can feel energized, vibrant, sexy and comfortable in our own skin at whatever size we’re at.
In fact, when you style your wardrobe in a way that reflects you and dress with colors and accessories you LOVE, you actually feel more confident to take on the world.
How amazing does that sound?
Imagine discovering delicious recipes that actually help you lose weight and help you feel energized and full?
Today, I have a very special guest on Style Soul Podcast.
Nagina Abdullah is a weight loss coach for busy female professionals and entrepreneurs. She lost 40 pounds after 2 kids and while working in a demanding management consulting career in NYC. She helps other busy women get skinnier and sexier using her effortless weight-loss method of delicious meals and fat-burning spices (and NO time in the gym!).
Nagina has been featured on Fox News, Mind Body Green, and Woman’s World Magazine. She shares her FREE Weight-Loss Recipe Book for Busy Women with 7 easy recipes at her website,
Nagina will be sharing how to turn up your confidence level and love your body at ANY size!
Thanks for listening & Get Ready to Create the Fashionable Body of your dreams!
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What tips did you find most inspiring during this episode? Are you ready to get your FREE delicious fat burning recipes? Is it time for a fashionable body? Tell me about it!
Share your comments below. I’d love to hear from you!
Feel fabulous, look stylish and live beautifully!
To your Confident Style,