If you’ve been feeling stuck and need a new beginning in your life, first start with clearing out your closet. Do you feel you have clothing and items in your closet that you haven’t worn in years? Do you feel these items are no longer in style and don’t suit you or who you are anymore?

Get ready to take clever control of your closet!

Many of us have the  ‘I have nothing to wear syndrome’ and we say it all the time. Your closet is overflowing yet you feel you have nothing to wear and nothing feels right.

We’ll buy clothes and shoes that aren’t our size just because they look good or because they were on sale. Trust me, who doesn’t love a bargain? I know I do!

But the key is to purchase pieces that are comfy yet flattering and if you get them at a good deal and save money- even better!

Instant Closet Transformation Intention

Let’s first start by making the intention to release things that no longer serve you. Repeat the following intention 5 times:

I am willing to clear out the old and make room for the new in my life.  

The first step for an instant closet transformation is to take inventory of your closet.

Take a good look at your closet. As you’re going thru it, looking at the pieces ask yourself honestly – am I really going to wear this in the near future? As the age-old rule goes, if you haven’t worn it in over a year’s time it’s time to say goodbye to it!

I’m not talking about seasonal items here or clothing and accessories for certain occasions. What I’m referring to is the following example.  Let’s say it’s Summer season and you have a sundress in your closet that you never wear. Actually, you haven’t worn it in the past few summers that have gone by!  It’s time to remove or donate it from your closet.

This may be tough for a lot of us.

It’s comfortable to hold on to the ‘old stuff’ because we know it and it feels familiar. It’s OK to hold on to the favorite pieces that you love.  For those that no longer serve a purpose, it’s time for them to move on.

Revitalize image and self closet

When looking at the items in your closet ask yourself – does this piece reflect me and what I aspire to be?

Does this outfit or piece of clothing make me feel good and exude confidence about myself?

If you have a closet full of dark-colored clothing such as a palette of black and greys, keep the pieces you feel comfortable in. But let us take a step outside your comfort zone and switch things up.

Pick a few pieces of bright colored clothing to reflect this new change. You’ll feel a boost of energy and confidence by taking this step.

Just think what may be around the corner if we’re open and willing to release the old and let in a breath of fresh air to our closet and life?

Make the intention to be willing to take a step in a new direction.

So for the items that you have taken out of your closet, create good karma and donate it or make some extra money by taking it to a consignment shop.

Nature abhors a vacuum.  By removing items that no longer fit or suit you, you’ll be making room for new items and opportunities coming your way.

Also, you can also make your closet appear refreshed and attractive no matter the size of it. You don’t have to have a gigantic walk in the closet for it to look attractive.

Here are a few simple ways for an instant closet transformation:

  • Get a set of nice matching organizers in your favorite color.
  • Ditch the wire and plastic hangers. Upgrade with a nice set of wooden or velvet hangers.
  • Hang some sachet bags or air fresheners to create a pleasantly scented closet.
  • Get accessory hangers.
    • Ladies- you can get a pretty scarf organizer, an accessories hanger with pouches for your jewelry or fabric boxes and organizers in chic patterns for your closet.
    • Men-  you can get hanging organizers for your athletic gear, a tie hanger for neckties or a shoe rack for your shoes.

By having these visual, it makes it easier and quicker to choose what to wear.

You can make it look great at any budget!

By refreshing your wardrobe, you revitalize your image and yourself. Make sure to wear clothing and accessories that reflect you, your dreams and aspirations. Your image portrays to the world who you are. Dress for the part, put your best foot forward, but always make sure to let your authentic self shine thru. This is the key to an instant closet transformation to refresh your style and image.