In todays episode of Style Soul Podcast, it’s time to explore women wellness with Kathy Black.
If you have been feeling you need some time to ‘get back to you’ this episode is for you.
Think about it, we are all people on the go. Rushing to get to work, to drop off our kids at school, then sports and activities, events to attend- places to go, people to see-
You probably feel stressed out already just reading that sentence, right;)? Our feeling of well-being goes out the window and overwhelm kicks in.
Is there a time that you have – just for you? We are so busy taking care of everyone and everything that we are the last on the list.
Because no matter how busy our day is, its important to carve out some PERSONAL time for YOU! Yes- you got it- ME TIME.
As I say- you are the only you there is, so take care of YOU!
The Fall season is a perfect time to go within. All the answers you need as within YOU. If we take time to go within and listen to that voice that’s waiting to be heard- we will hear our message.
This is such an empowering feeling- knowing you have the power within you- awesome thought, right?! When we have this empowered sense of self, well being is created in our lives.
Today, I have a very special guest on Style Soul Podcast.
Her name is Kathy Black. She is a Mid-Life Empowerment Coach. Kathy is a certified life coach who helps otherwise capable women gracefully handle difficult mid-life transitions. A member of the International Coaching Federation, Kathy is trained as a field supervisor with Harvard Divinity School, and holds a degree in social work.
Today we will be chatting on creative ways to empower ourselves thru wellness, going within and creating well-being in our lives.
Tune in and discover how.
Thanks for listening & Get Ready to Empower Yourself Thru Wellness!
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Do you take time out for yourself? Are you ready for a new solution? What are some ways you create personal ME time? Tell me about it! Share your comments below. I’d love to hear from you!
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Feel fabulous, look stylish and live beautifully!
To your Empowered Style,